
Our university has university bees and we accommodated them on the roof away from the bear

"If bees disappeared from the surface of the Earth, man would have only 4 years to live" (Albert Einstein)

University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava has long joined organizations and institutions that are not indifferent to their surroundings and environment and try to behave socially responsibly. In addition to the activities of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, which directly with its professional focus on environmental protection and restoration, the university tries not to burden the environment with its activities and activities, students and staff of its faculties organize various activities (waste collection, separated waste, PR activities for cleaner environment). We also have one novelty in this area - breeding UNI BEES in an apiary on the roof of one of its buildings.
At the beginning, the initiative of the rector of the university, prof. Roman Boča, who gained understanding and support in this area, and then it was quick - writing the intention to breed city / university bees, procuring a hive, finding a beekeeper who will be responsible for breeding and caring for bees, procuring material, finding suitable place, space preparation, etc. Our colleague Dr. Dušan Blahút will also take care of our bees.
According to wildlife experts and scientists, bees have joined the list of endangered species. Recent studies show a dramatic decline in the number of bees. The main reason for their extinction is the uncontrolled use of pesticides, changes in land use, deforestation and lack of flowers. UN research in 2016 showed that more than 40 percent of invertebrate pollinators - especially bees and butterflies - are extinct.
"UN research has shown that almost half of pollinators the world of insects is facing extinction today."

However, other species such as birds and bats are also facing the global pollinator crisis. Bees pollinate 70 of 100 crops, which provide humans with up to 90 percent of all food.
Without BEES, there would be no life.
So far we have 5 hives on the roof of UCM, in each hive one queen, one of whom is recognized as Empress Sofia-Mary the First. On the positive side, there are green areas in the vicinity of the UCM buildings, where bees will find their targets for pollination, nectar and pollen, but the university will also create other areas and opportunities for them by planting greenery and flowers in their surroundings. The bees also have a nice friendly green plant and flower environment on the roof.
"In Slovakia, bees pollinate up to 73% of all plants that pollinated by insects."

Our university with its UNI BEES will contribute to the protection and rescue of endangered species, and will support the promotion of urban beekeeping as a further extension of the possibilities for bees to help us all.
Empress Sofia-Mary The First and her army of workers (as well as security guards and non-working workers, who receive neither salary, remuneration, nor pension insurance) do extremely useful work. They have found their new home at our university and we believe that more beehives will be added in the future. We are looking forward to the first bottling of honey - when we succeed, and we will see the first tangible results, we will not only be pleased, but also confirmed in the good direction of what we do.

We all know that bees are important, but it is hard to believe that a humble bee is actually one of the most important living creatures.
Therefore, in conclusion - let's remember, bees are VIPs, and they have their day - May 20 is World BEE Day.

Submitted by: Matej Lackovič
Responsible person: Lenka Biba Slovak, Mgr. Mgr. art.
Source: Oddelenie vonkajších vzťahov UCM
Inserted: 15.7.2021