
On May 8th, we celebrated the Day of Victory over fascism

It is important to remember that the freedom we have was won for us by courageous and selfless individuals in a hard-fought battle, and we must continue to cherish it.

Their bravery inspires us to actively advocate for tolerance and inclusion, not only at home but also in the world. Only together can we build a future where intolerance and hatred have no place.

Today, we should also realize that freedom and democracy are not taken for granted but are values that require active engagement. Students, in particular, are the future of our world.

They have the opportunity to make the world a better place and intervene in matters that are not right.

Students can educate themselves, engage in discussions, and express their opinions. They have the chance to get involved in organizations that focus on civil rights, equality, inclusivity, and justice. They can participate in activism, public discourse, draw attention to issues, and fight against expressions of hate, discrimination, and authoritarian behavior.

Likewise, the academic community has a crucial role in the fight for democracy and social justice. As centers of education, research, and critical thinking, universities have the potential to shape values, disseminate knowledge, and generate new ideas that can have an impact on society as a whole. Moreover, universities can engage in research and reflection on the suppression and building of democratic values. They can be active voices in times of repression, collaborate with the third sector, and create inclusive environments for all.

Submitted by: Kristína Kameníková
Responsible person: Mgr. Nikoleta Vanková, MBA
Source: UCM in Trnava
Inserted: 15.5.2023
Updated: 23.5.2023