
UCM won three exceptional European projects

Two of them, according to the statement of the Erasmus+ National Agency, are also particularly valuable: "In Slovakia, only 2 Jean Monnet projects were approved in the 2022 call, both at the University of St. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava."

Project within ERASMUS+ SAGE Academy of the Silver Age - Safety for seniors

How to ensure the inclusion of seniors in this new cyber world? How to get their valuable experience, or how to connect it with modern conveniences and combine both worlds into one tolerant and modern functioning organism? The project of the UCM Faculty of Social Sciences (FSV) is intended to help seniors participate in building society with a sense of security and enough space for self-realization.

Project within the ERASMUS+ ECCE European Center of Citizenship Excellence

For many years, the Faculty of Social Sciences (FSV) has set itself the task of strengthening the competences of young people in the field of European democracy through the support of their secondary education. With the help of the newly acquired project, the FSV wants to support secondary school teachers to lead young people to more critical thinking in the teaching process and to make them grow into active and conscious EU citizens.

The ERASMUS+ project of the UCM Faculty of Social Sciences is LEADER - Local Leader in the Context of the Concept of 'Smart Cities' Through the Optics of the European Union

What does the concept of Smart cities represent? Diversity? Inclusion? Digitization? Environmental sustainability? The Faculty of Social Sciences received a new project focusing on the competencies of future leaders of smart cities. Through the module, the FSV wants to improve teaching, reach out to the general public and thus support the creation of EU policy and its position in the globalized world

Submitted by: Šimona Tomková
Responsible person: Mgr. Nikoleta Vanková, MBA., Officer for foreign relations
Source: FSV UCM
Inserted: 26.10.2022
Updated: 10.12.2022