
Department of Social Services and Counseling of Faculty of Social Sciences of UCM in Trnava helps in this crisis situation

The situation in Slovakia caused by the COVID 19 virus raises an unprecedented need for assistance, not only in healthcare facilities.

Teachers and students of the Department of Social Services and Counseling decided to actively participate in volunteer assistance. Members of the department also actively assist not only with shopping for seniors in their neighborhood, but during this period they also share with them self-prepared food. On their initiative, students sew face masks, which will be handed over to two organizations that work in direct contact with homeless people.

Volunteer activities of this department are also developed outside of Trnava, they work as volunteers in the Trenčín region.

They deserve our great admiration and respect for their efforts.

Thanks for your help.


Submitted by: Kamil Adamec
Responsible person: Mgr. Mgr art. Lenka Biba Slovak
Source: Oddelenie vonkajších vzťahov
Inserted: 5.4.2020