The Rector is the statutory body of the College, manages it, acts on its behalf and represents it externally. It shall be accountable for its activities to the Academic Senate of the public higher education institution. The Rector shall be appointed and dismissed by the President of the Slovak Republic on the proposal of the Academic Senate of the public higher education institution.
The Rector shall be represented by Vice-Rectors, the Bursar and other persons to the extent determined by a special decision of the Rector or by an internal regulation of the UCM. The legal status, legal definition of competences and powers of the Rector are regulated by the relevant provisions of the Higher Education Act and the UCM Statute.
The Rector issues UCM internal regulations, measures, decisions, guidelines and orders within the scope of his/her competence. In labour law matters, the Rector concludes, modifies and terminates employment relationships with employees of the Rector's Office and institutes. He also concludes agreements on work performed outside the employment relationship for the purpose of ensuring the operation of the institutes.